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2HowToStudyHow to Study the Bible (47 pages)
Explains the five most efficient study techniques:JoyCometh
context, topic, symbol, type/antitype, and time frame..

Joy Cometh in the Morning (95 pages)
Reviews the beautiful plan of God and the joy
that will follow mankind’s long night of weeping.


What is this World Coming To? (45 pages)
Examines current events in light of prophecy and the2IsraelMiracles
outcome of troubles facing this present world.

Israel: A Nation of Miracles (30 pages)
Proves Israel’s existence and prosperity is due to
God’s returned favor. Learn of the inspirational events
happening in this country surrounded by modern giants.

2DoctrineOfChristThe Doctrine of Christ (80 pages)
Clarifies the relationship of the Father, the Son and
the Holy spirit. Provides views of the early church Fathers2IsraelTabernacle
on this subject and its development in church councils.

Israel’s Tabernacle: Meeting Place Between God & Man (24 pages)
A colorful guide to understanding the literal and symbolic lessons
of Israel’s Tabernacle intended for both Jews and Christians.

2FascinatingFactsFascinating Facts for Bible Students (42) pages)
Provides amazing facts about the Bible’s historic journey
and how these have affected the true and false church.2Comfort

Comfort (20 pages)
Scriptural evidence and hope
of a resurrection from the dead.

RayHope A Ray of Hope on a Troubled Sea (24) pages)
Hearts cry out for a safe harbor from storms on the troubled seas of life.
Discover the beautiful day which will follow this night time of sin, sickness and sorrow. 2GrandPlan
Here is a message of hope for a dying world.

God’s Grand Plan of the Ages (96 pages)
This booklet leads to a satisfying explanation of the age-old questions:
Why does a God of love permit the evil we see in the world?
Why must we experience pain, heartache and finally death?
It also covers prophecies in the book of Daniel.

Survive Will Israel Survive the End Times? (56) pages)
Bible prophecy indicates that a great time of trouble
will transition into the peaceable kingdom of God.
In these “End Times” Israel will be invaded by her enemies,
but she will survive and become the focal point of God’s kingdom on Earth